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ISO: Buy PCB prototypes UK made

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Certificate No: 16105 Date: 16/05/2003

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Panel A - Double Sided (PTH) 130mm X 210mm

Panel Size: 130mm X 210mm (choice of thickess). Hot Air Solder levelled lead free . Silk screen ident. Solder Resist. Fiducial in each corner and 10mm edge 8mm between each circuit.
Price with VAT: £156.00
Price: £130.00
VAT: £26.00
Delivery Priority:
Panel Thickness:
Copper Weight:
Solder Resist Colour:
Silk Screen IDENT:
Silk Screen Colour:
Surface Finish
Boards left in Panel?:
Number of Designs on panel:
Your pcb design will be repeated on the same panel as often as possible, at our discretion.

Panel Size: 130mm X 210mm (choice of thickness). Hot Air Solder leveled Lead Free. Silk Screen Ident. Solder Resist. Fiducial in each corner and 10mm edge 8mm between each circuit.
